October 27, 2022

No, we currently do not have any trans fat ingredients in our products. We also do not use hydrogenated oils or chemicals. We hand mix all of our products too! Over the years our recipes have changed slightly but the most significant one was the switch from margarine, as seen in our Travel Channel video, to a trans fat free product – Palm Oil! Most importantly, the switch did not alter the taste. Our Benne Wafers continue to be beloved by many!

“These salty-and-sweet toasted sesame cookies are a longtime Charleston favorite. Olde Colony Bakery has been making them for more than 70 years.”

— Southern Living

“These salty-and-sweet toasted sesame cookies are a longtime Charleston favorite. Olde Colony Bakery has been making them for more than 70 years.”

— Southern Living

“These salty-and-sweet toasted sesame cookies are a longtime Charleston favorite. Olde Colony Bakery has been making them for more than 70 years.”

— Southern Living

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